Enrollment & Pricing
How Do I Enroll?
You can enroll for and begin lessons at any time. Brighton Swim Academy does not operate with sessions so there is no start or end date. Once you are enrolled, you will meet at the same time on the same day each week, and you will stay enrolled until you submit a Withdrawal Form. We require 15 days notice to withdraw from lessons.
How is Tuition Billed?
Our tuition is billed monthly and is based on the calendar month. Prices are adjusted to reflect how many lessons your student receives each month. For example, if your child is enrolled in Saturday lessons and there are 5 Saturdays that month you will be billed for 5 lessons. Next month, Saturday lessons may meet 3 times due to a holiday closure. In this case, you will be billed for 3 lessons.
When you have multiple students you will receive a 10% discount on each additional enrollment after the first.
We charge an Annual Family Registration Fee of $45 upon enrollment.
Tuition Per Lesson
Brighton Baby Lesson: $31.40
30-minute Group Lesson: $31.40
20-minute Private: $41.10
30-minute Private: $58.40
30-minute Semi-Private: $82.20 ($41.10 per child)
Please note: Tuition is adjusted and pre-paid on a monthly basis. Payments will be withdrawn from your autopay account between the 22nd and 25th of every month for the following month’s tuition. You are able to make updates to your account via the Parent Portal.